Beard Dragon: Specie Profile

Bearded dragons, scientifically known as Pogona, represent a diverse genus of reptiles encompassing eight distinct lizard species. Their name stems from the array of shiny scales covering their bodies, featuring a unique ‘beard’ of spikes beneath their chin, an iconic trait that expands as an expression of their mood.

Commonly referred to as ‘beardies,’ these creatures are favored pets owing to their gentle and curious nature. As diurnal animals, they remain active during the day, with the central bearded dragon emerging as the most prevalent species in the pet trade.

Originating from Australia, where the climate is hot and dry, proper care is essential when keeping these reptiles in specially designed vivariums, ensuring optimal temperatures for their well-being.

Profile of the Bearded Dragon:

  • Scientific Name: Pogona
  • Common Names: inland bearded dragon, Bearded dragon and central bearded dragon
  • Food: Omnivorous (Insects and plants)
  • Size: 18 to 22 inches (30-50 cm)
  • Weight: 10 to 18 ounces
  • Average Lifespan: 4 to 10 years in the wild, 10 to 15 years in captivity

Natural Habitat and Behavior of Bearded Dragons


Bearded dragons, native to various regions across Australia, inhabit warm, arid landscapes such as deserts, woodlands, and savannas. These environments enable their cold-blooded nature, allowing them to bask in the sun for warmth and seek shelter to avoid extreme heat and predators. Their unique communication involves intimidating displays, including throat frills, color changes, and distinctive head movements. In captivity, these reptiles generally exhibit a calm demeanor, showing remarkable adaptability to handling. However, it’s advisable to house male bearded dragons separately due to their territorial behaviors.

Housing Recommendations:

To ensure a comfortable living space, a tank size ranging from 55 to 75 gallons, equipped with a secure top, is ideal for a single adult bearded dragon. Juvenile dragons can start in smaller tanks, but they quickly outgrow these spaces. Semi-arboreal in their habits, they relish perching off the ground. So, providing sturdy rocks, branches, and logs within the tank can offer climbing opportunities and create a cozy basking area. Including hiding spots, such as hollow logs, is crucial to ensure the dragon’s comfort.

Temperature and Lighting:

Bearded dragons, as ectothermic reptiles, rely on the external environment to regulate their body temperature. Maintaining the right temperature gradient in their habitat is essential. A gradient ranging from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit on the cooler side and a basking area temperature of 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit is necessary. This setup allows the dragons to move between warmer and cooler areas to regulate their body temperature effectively. Nighttime temperatures can drop to around 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, replicating the cooler periods in their natural environment.

Breeding and Reproduction

Proper exposure to UV lighting is critical for bearded dragons to synthesize vitamin D and utilize calcium effectively. Special UVB fluorescent bulbs, appropriately positioned within the habitat, provide the necessary UV light, essential for their bone health and overall well-being. Maintaining a consistent light and dark cycle of about 12 hours each day helps mimic the day-night rhythm, essential for their internal body regulation. Access to natural sunlight can also be beneficial, provided it’s under supervised conditions, ensuring the reptiles don’t overheat and have adequate shade and shelter.

Humidity and Substrate:

The ideal humidity level for bearded dragons generally ranges between 35% to 40%, replicating their natural arid habitat. However, maintaining this level can vary, especially in areas with higher natural humidity. Using a hydrometer to monitor humidity levels within the dragon’s habitat is recommended. If necessary, you can enhance humidity by misting the enclosure to reach the desired range.

Substrate, the material on the floor of the dragon’s habitat, is crucial. It serves multiple purposes, such as maintaining humidity and offering a natural look to the tank. The choice of substrate varies based on the dragon’s age and behavior. For juveniles, avoiding loose substrates like sand is safer to prevent accidental ingestion, which can lead to intestinal blockages. Paper towels or reptile carpets are suitable alternatives.

Adult dragons can tolerate washed play sand (avoiding fine silica sand), while reptile carpets or paper towels remain appropriate choices. It’s crucial to avoid substrates that pose ingestion risks like wood shavings, corn cob, or walnut shells. Should you opt for sand, it’s necessary to scoop out feces using a cat litter scoop. Importantly, the use of sand enables dragons to engage in natural behaviors like burrowing, which is part of their inherent habits.

Feeding and Health Awareness:


Feeding a bearded dragon involves a careful balance between animal protein and plant-based nutrition. In the wild, their diet comprises various invertebrates and vertebrates, along with plant matter. In captivity, this translates into a mix of insects and a variety of veggies. These omnivores require a combination of leafy greens like watercress and dandelion leaves, along with live feed like crickets, locusts, and calciworms. Ensuring the live food consumes the same greens as the dragon provides a balanced diet. However, spinach is a big no-no due to its adverse impact on calcium absorption. Regularly removing uneaten live food prevents it from biting the dragon and supplementing these feeds is crucial to fulfill their nutritional needs.

While maintaining a healthy diet is important, it’s equally crucial to watch for health issues that commonly affect these reptiles. Metabolic bone disease stands as a significant concern, often due to calcium-phosphorus imbalance. Respiratory infections are another health risk, manifested through symptoms like wheezing or excess mucus around the nostrils. Be cautious with feeding, particularly crunchy bugs like mealworms, to prevent digestive impaction. Regular consultations with a reptile veterinarian and keen observation for signs of a healthy, active dragon help prevent health complications and foster a vibrant, thriving companion.

Breeding and Reproduction

Bearded dragons, in captivity, may reach breeding maturity at around 8 to 12 months of age. Mating behaviors are notable, often initiated by male courtship displays. Males exhibit distinct behaviors to attract females, including head bobbing, circling, and physical aggression towards other males. Females may also show signs of aggression, particularly when they’re unready to mate. The breeding process starts with copulation, where the male mounts the female, followed by a gestation period lasting several weeks.

Breading of Beard  Dragon
Bearded Dragon With her Babies

During the breeding season, female bearded dragons can lay multiple clutches of eggs. After copulation, they dig a hole to deposit their eggs. The sex of the hatchlings can be influenced by temperature. Incubation temperature plays a crucial role in determining the sex of the embryos. The general incubation period lasts around 55 to 75 days, and at warmer temperatures, male chromosomes can shift to female, altering the sex ratio of the offspring. Once hatched, the baby bearded dragons are relatively independent and can survive without parental care, equipped to explore their environment and search for food.

Care Guidelines for Keeping Bearded Dragons as Pets

Creating a safe and comfortable environment is key when considering a bearded dragon as a pet:

  • Environment: Mimic their natural habitat with spacious vivariums (at least 50 gallons) equipped with basking zones and a warm-cool gradient. Proper temperature regulation, around 22°C at night, is essential.
  • Substrate: Provide a mix of sand and soil, allowing for natural behavior like digging.
  • Landscape: Include climbing structures, branches, and stones for basking.
  • Light: Install specialized UV lights for essential vitamin D synthesis.
  • Diet: Offer a varied diet including live invertebrates and nutrient-rich greens, avoiding spinach due to its impact on calcium absorption.

Additional Tips for Caring for Bearded Dragons

Hydration Management: Ensure consistent access to fresh drinking water in a bowl that’s sturdy and can’t be tipped over. Proper hydration is vital to a bearded dragon’s health and overall well-being.
Daily Waste Removal: Clean the vivarium daily, removing waste, uneaten food, and any debris. This daily housekeeping routine is essential to maintain cleanliness and hygiene within the enclosure.
Supplementing Their Diet: To meet all nutritional needs, consider supplementing their diet. Dust live food with calcium and multivitamin powders to guarantee they receive all necessary nutrients.
Sun Exposure: When the weather allows, giving them supervised outdoor exposure in warm, sunny weather can be beneficial. Ensure there is a shaded area and always keep a watchful eye on them to prevent overheating or escape.
Veterinary Check-ups: Regular check-ups with a reptile-savvy veterinarian are essential for ensuring your bearded dragon’s ongoing health. This can help catch and address any potential health issues early.
Observation and Interaction: Spend time observing your bearded dragon to understand their habits and behavior better. Gentle interaction and handling, once the dragon is acclimated to its environment, can foster a bond between you and your pet.

By incorporating these additional practices into your care routine, you’ll enhance the health and happiness of your bearded dragon.

Choosing the Beard Dragon:

The majority of bearded dragons in the US are captive-bred due to strict export laws in Australia. It’s ideal to choose captive-bred dragons as they adapt well to captivity. These friendly companions are commonly available from reputable breeders or rescue organizations and can cost around $50 for young ones and $100 for adults. When selecting your dragon, prioritize an active and healthy appearance, checking for signs like swollen joints, discharge, skin discoloration, or irregular droppings to ensure a rewarding and enduring companionship.

Understanding and providing for these various needs ensures a healthy, happy life for your bearded dragon, enabling them to thrive in captivity.


1. How do you set up a proper heating and lighting system in a bearded dragon’s enclosure?

Proper heating involves setting up a basking spot with temperatures around 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, while maintaining a gradient down to 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit on the cooler side. Lighting should include UVB light sources to aid in their calcium metabolism.

2. What are the signs of a healthy bearded dragon?

Signs of a healthy bearded dragon include clear eyes, alertness, smooth skin, a healthy appetite, regular and formed bowel movements, and an active behavior, exploring its environment and basking regularly.

3. Can bearded dragons eat fruit? If so, which fruits are safe for them?

Yes, they can eat fruits. Safe fruits for bearded dragons include mango, papaya, raspberries, and blueberries. They should be given occasionally in small amounts as treats.

4. How often should bearded dragons shed their skin?

Bearded dragons shed their skin quite regularly, especially when they are young and growing. They can shed every few weeks to every few months, depending on their age and growth rate.

5. What are the main signs that your bearded dragon is stressed or unhappy?

Signs of stress in bearded dragons include a lack of appetite, unusual behaviors like constant hiding, glass surfing, or aggressive displays, and a darkened coloration.

6. What measures should be taken to keep a bearded dragon’s enclosure clean and hygienic?

Regularly clean the enclosure by removing uneaten food, feces, and shedding skin. Disinfect the enclosure regularly and keep the substrate clean to prevent bacterial growth.

7. What are the differences in behavior between juvenile and adult bearded dragons?

Juvenile bearded dragons tend to be more active and might eat more frequently. They often need more protein due to their rapid growth. Adults are more sedate and might not require daily feedings.

8. How can you tell if a bearded dragon is dehydrated and what are the best ways to keep them hydrated?

Dehydration signs include wrinkled skin, sunken eyes, and lethargy. To keep them hydrated, provide a shallow water dish and occasionally mist them. Bathing them can also help with hydration.

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