Exists a Snake That Does Not Bite5 Possible Pet Snake For Beginners.

Choosing a pet snake can be tough for beginners. Snakes are quite different from regular pets and cows. They like to hide and be alone, But not all of them are dangerous. Taking care of them can be different. Picking the right snake matters a lot. They’re starting to be seen as friends by people today. But it’s not like having other pets. It’s tricky and can be risky. You need to choose one that matches what you can do. Remember, each snake type needs specific things, like staying warm. If you can’t do these things, a snake might not be the best pet for you. If you’re not comfortable feeding it mice or other animals, a snake might not be right for you. Also, try to get your snake from a good breeder or pet store. Snakes from the wild can be harder to take care of and might have problems.

1. Rosy Boa Pet Snake

Rosy Boa

Rosy Boas are a good choice for beginners because they almost never bite and don’t have poison. They’re calm and easy to take care of, and they move slowly. These snakes like to hide and surprise their food. So, it’s best not to bother them when they’re waiting to eat, as they might try to bite. Rosy Boas stays small. They’re mostly brown, pink, and rosy in color and do well in homes. They’re from the west coast of the US and Mexico.

Rosy Boas are curious and don’t bite much, so they’re great for beginners who want to hold snakes. They can live up to 30 years in homes and cost between $25 and $350, depending on where you get them. They’re calm and easy to take care of, but not as famous as the top three snakes people usually like.

2. Corn Snake

These snakes are safe for beginners because they aren’t poisonous. They grow to around four feet, so a 20-gallon tank is enough. They have lots of different colors and patterns. Wild snakes are more aggressive than ones kept as pets. Snakes from breeders are calmer. Even if they bite, it usually doesn’t hurt much. Corn snakes are popular because they’re really nice and simple to take care of.

They rarely bite, don’t have poison, are gentle, and don’t pose a threat to new and even kids.

3. Hognose Snake

Hognose Snake

The Hognose snake is really cool because of its turned-up snout. It doesn’t attack when scared – instead, it pretends to be dead, even sticking its tongue out. It rolls onto its back and shows its belly, staying still. When put upright, it might roll again for a bit.

Hognose snakes have a bit of venom, but it doesn’t hurt people. They hardly ever bite anyway. Even if they did bite and you got a small wound, their not-so-strong venom wouldn’t cause much trouble.

People who like snakes call them “Cali Kings.” They’re usually nice, though a bit jumpy and active when young. They can also be escape artists, so use lid clamps to avoid finding them around your room. But when they’re grown up, California Kingsnakes are peaceful and not mean unless you make them mad.

4. Kenyan Sand Boa

Kenyan Sand Boas are not as common as other pets like ball pythons and corn snakes. But they’re easy to get along with, don’t have venom, and usually don’t bite people. They like being held, but make sure to pick them up properly, supporting their midsection.

They enjoy burrowing in the sand, and their shape helps them do that. They also use sand to catch their prey. They need warmth and sand to dig in.

These snakes need sand in their tanks, which might be harder to clean than simpler bedding. They’re small, about 2 feet long. They’re usually calm and prefer to get away instead of biting. They can sometimes be a bit sassy, but the right one is good for beginners.

They cost around $75-$200 and can live up to 20 years.

5. Sunbeam Snake

credit: Yandex

Sunbeams are truly captivating snakes with their stunning rainbow-like skin. Their small size makes them easy to approach. Although they’re shy and tend to burrow, they become more friendly with humans when handled gently. These non-venomous and non-aggressive snakes rarely bite if treated well.

Originally from parts of Asia, including southeast Asia, India, and Indonesia, they thrive in a moist climate with cooler temperatures. They’re comfortable with high humidity (75-100%) and around 80°F (27°C). While their care might seem challenging due to specific housing needs, proper research makes it manageable.

6. Children’s python

Child Python

Children’s pythons, about four feet long, come from Australia and are easy to take care of. They eat mice and rats in captivity. They’re friendly and can live up to 30 years, so they need a long commitment.

These snakes have a shiny look in the sun and come in many colors. They’re good for beginners and have various patterns. They’re big, calm, and not very active, which makes them a favorite for snake owners.

7. Rubber Boa

Rubber Boa

Rubber boas are safe snakes; they don’t have venom and hardly use their fangs. They’re curious and good as pets, but this trait can be dangerous for them in the wild. They’re small, growing up to three feet, so a small space is okay. Taking care of them is relatively simple, and they seem to like being held.

Rubber boas are so friendly that they’re even used in therapy for people scared of snakes. They’re gentle and curious, which can lead them to approach humans and predators. This sometimes causes them harm as people mistake them for dangerous snakes, even though they’re harmless.

8. Garter snake

Garter snake
Credit: Yandex

Garter snakes are common all over the US and can be tamed if caught in the wild or bought from the right breeder. They’re small, about two feet long, so they can be kept in a smaller space. They eat worms and small fish, and while they have teeth, they’re not venomous.

Garter snakes are popular both in the wild and as pets. They have a stripe down their back and like places with water. They enjoy basking in the sun, so they need a basking lamp. They’re friendly and easy to handle, making them good for beginners. Despite being often found in backyards, they’re actually quite popular as pets due to their gentle and friendly nature.

9. Ball Python

Ball python

Ball Pythons are called that because they like to curl into a “ball” for safety. They’re from Africa, live in grasslands, and stay hidden during the day. They’re around 3.5-5 feet long, brown with patches, but bred ones come in many colors. They’re calm, prefer not to bite, and curl up when scared. Handling helps them get used to people.

They eat mice, but their specific food preferences might worry beginners. They cost about $25-$200, based on their look. Ball pythons are common first snakes. They’re calm and not very active, making them good pets. They can be choosy eaters, so meals need to be ready before eating.

Their name shows why they rarely bite – they curl up instead. This happens in captivity and the wild. They come in different looks due to the various morphs available.

10. Milk Snake

Milk Snake
Cradite: Yandex

Milk Snakes are found in the US and Mexico, often having black, white, and red rings on their bodies. They like heat from rocks and logs, living up to 20 years. They grow up to 2 feet initially and are docile, rarely biting. They cost about $50-$200.

There are 25 kinds of milk snakes, like the Sinaloan milk snake with red bands. They’re not venomous but copy the colors of poisonous snakes for safety. People thought they milked cows, which isn’t true. Milk snakes stay hidden, are usually alone, and might cross roads at night. They can gather when hibernating or basking. When scared, they shake their tail and release a smell to scare away predators.

11. Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis)

Green Snake

The slender Smooth Greensnake is from the southeastern US and northeastern Mexico, where growing up to 2.5 feet. They prefer forests and eat insects and spiders, making them easier to care for than other snakes. They live around 15 years, but captivity might be shorter.

They’re good for beginners to learn about snake care basics, but they’re not keen on frequent handling. In Michigan, they’re the only bright green snake, sometimes tan or brown. Adults are about 12-26 inches long, with a slightly wider head, and their color changes when shedding.

They’re active day and night in warm months but hibernate in winter. They use ant hills and burrows for hibernation homes.

12. California king snake

milk snake

The California King Snake is a popular type of King Snake. It is found in the US, they have brown-black colors with yellow marks and can grow up to 2.5-5 feet, similar to Corn Snakes. They’re active during the day, need light and darkness routines, and can live in a 20-gallon tank. They eat mice, live around 20 years, and are great for beginners.

They’re shy but friendly with regular handling. They coil instead of striking when scared. They cost about $70-$170 and are easy to handle due to their calm nature. When young, they might be nervous, but they become gentle as they mature. Treat them with respect, and they’ll stay calm and confident. Mistreatment might make them defensive.

Why Snake bite?

Snakes might bite for a few reasons:


When snakes feel scared or threatened, they might bite to defend themselves. It’s like how we might raise our hands to protect ourselves from danger.


If a snake is stuck or trapped, it might bite to try to get free. It’s their way of trying to get away.


Some snakes use their bite to catch their food. They inject venom into their prey to make it easier to eat.

Defending Home:

Snakes could bite if they think someone is getting too close to their home. They want to keep their space safe.


Sometimes, if a snake is surprised by someone or something touching it, it might bite as a quick reaction.

Remember, most snakes don’t want to bite humans. They prefer to be left alone. Being careful around snakes and giving them space helps prevent bites.

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